Review testing completed at the NRC which includes frequency response in an anechoic chamber and measuring vibration levels using laser vibrometers to compare results between IsoAcoustics isolation and spikes.
IsoAcoustics製品は、スピーカーのベースと支持面に接続し、エネルギーが内部のアイソレータによって効果的に管理されるように設計されています。 アイソレーターの形状は、滑らかな表面には吸盤効果を、テクスチャーのある表面には強力な摩擦グリップを提供します。
Review testing completed at the NRC which includes frequency response in an anechoic chamber and measuring vibration levels using laser vibrometers to compare results between IsoAcoustics isolation and spikes.
Speaker isolation is commonly misunderstood. There are many different theories and approaches to isolation which make it difficult for any consumer to determine what information is correct and how it all works.